With 2020 set to be the most important holiday season in recent retail history, these key predictions can help brands build cost-effective marketing strategies that feature social proof and get results.
Instagram’s testing a new option which would display user reactions to Stories on the story frame itself, as opposed to sending the user a DM
Grayscale is on track to control 5% of the entire Bitcoin circulating supply by the end of 2021 with a record $215 million inflow last week.
The British Overseas Territory is making steps towards bringing blockchain adoption into the mainstream.
There’s buzz that the Eth 2.0 deposit contract appears to have been deployed but there has been no official announcement.
Ciphertrace speculated the anonymous user made the transactions “to stay up to date with the Bitcoin network,” but it may have been hacked.
The price of Bitcoin rose more than 2% in two hours as poll workers in US states began to count ballots.